Monday, January 10, 2011

VPK Newsletter - Week of January 10, 2011

VPK Classroom News

This Week:

We're are finishing up our circus theme. Today we started making circus tents at the art table.

Our letter of the week is Pp. Today we read our P Book of Words and then drew pictures of things that began with the letter P. Tomorrow we'll practice writing P.

Our number focus is on 11 and 12. Our color this month is white. Our shape is the rhombus.

Looking Ahead:

Next week the center is closed on Monday, January 17 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. There will be no VPK on Monday or Tuesday. VPK follows Collier County's schedule and they are out both days.

Our New Behavior System:

So far, so good! All of the children have been responding in a positive way to the new bear chart. It gives them a great visual reminder of how they are doing and they've all been eager to keep their bears on green! Please check the bear board when you pick your child up to see how he/she did in VPK that morning.

-Miss Kathy and Miss Sara

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