Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween

We hope that everyone has a safe and fun Halloween. The children loved dressing up in their costumes on Friday. We played pin the nose on the jack-o-lantern and ghost letters, read Halloween stories, played in centers, played outside, and ate yummy pizza and cupcakes!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Where The Wild Things Are

We read one of my favorite books, Where the Wild Things Are, this week. Then we created backwards wild thing masks and had our own wild rumpus. We love parades - especially when we can show off our art work!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

East Naples Fire Department

I would like to thank The East Naples Fire Department for spending their morning with us...A special thank you to Owen's daddy FF Scott and Efrain's daddy LT Efrain.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Visit From the Fire Department

October is fire safety month and we've been learning a lot about our friends, the firefighters. Today they came to visit us at school. They wore their fire gear and explained how it worked and we got to ask questions and tell them some of the things we've learned about fire safety this month. Then it was outside to tour the big fire truck and try out the fire hose. Many of the children were so excited about the visit that they couldn't wait to get to the playground to play at being firefighters themselves!